Course catalogue

Overview >  Fachbereich Wald und Umwelt >  Master-Studiengänge >  Forest Information Technology (M.Sc.) >  Electives

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
K.01.J.0007.W Principles of forest inventories
Prof. Dr. Jens Müller
Mon, 4. Dec. 2023 [09:00] - Wed, 6. Dec. 2023 [12:00]
exercise course
K.01.J.0008.W Examples of forest monitoring at tree- and stand level
Prof. Dr. Jens Müller
Th, 7. Dec. 2023 [09:00] - Wed, 13. Dec. 2023 [12:00]
K.01.J.0009.W Relevance of FIT for forest conservation & management
Prof. Dr. Jens Müller
Th, 14. Dec. 2023 [09:00] - Fri, 15. Dec. 2023 [16:00]
exercise course
K.01.J.0010.W Project Management
Prof. Dr. Denise Margaret Matias; Dr. Evelyn Wallor
K.01.J.0011.W Geodata and remote sensing as tools for spatial monitoring
Prof. Dr. Jan-Peter Mund; Prof. Dr. Jens Müller
Mon, 27. Nov. 2023 [09:30] - Fri, 1. Dec. 2023 [15:00]
K.01.J.0012.W Basics in Monitoring and Research
Prof. Dr. Erik Aschenbrand; Prof. Dr. Jens Müller
Mon, 20. Nov. 2023 [09:30] - Fri, 24. Nov. 2023 [15:00]
K.01.J.0046.W Photogrammetry and advanced image analytics
Nicole Albert; Prof. Dr. Jan-Peter Mund; Stefan Josef Reder
Mon, 25. Sep. 2023 [09:00] - Fri, 29. Sep. 2023 [16:30]
exercise course
K.01.J.0047.W Remote Sensing change detection principles
Nicole Albert; Prof. Dr. Luis Carlos Miranda Trujillo; Prof. Dr. Jan-Peter Mund
Mon, 2. Oct. 2023 [09:00] - Fri, 6. Oct. 2023 [16:30]
exercise course
K.01.J.0048.W Advanced LIDAR data analytics for forest monitoring and modelling
Nikolai Thomas Knapp; Prof. Dr. Jan-Peter Mund
Mon, 9. Oct. 2023 [09:00] - Fri, 20. Oct. 2023 [17:00]
exercise course
K.01.J.0051.W Innovative concepts and technology trends in forest management
Prof. Tobias Cremer
Mon, 30. Oct. 2023 [09:00] - Fri, 3. Nov. 2023 [15:30]
K.01.J.0052.W Forest growth models and scenarios
Prof. Dr. Martin Guericke; Prof. Dr. Jens Schröder
Mon, 23. Oct. 2023 [09:00] - Fri, 27. Oct. 2023 [15:00]
exercise course
K.01.K.0006.W Academic writing and presenting
Prof. Dr. Martin Welp; Dilfuza Yuldasheva
Mon, 4. Dec. 2023 [09:30] - Fri, 15. Dec. 2023 [15:30]
K.01.L.0007.P Sensors for automated measurements
Prof. Dr. Luis Carlos Miranda Trujillo
Mon, 20. Nov. 2023 [09:00] - Th, 30. Nov. 2023 [17:00]
exercise course
K.01.L.0008.P Process modelling methodology
Dr. Evelyn Wallor
Mon, 20. Nov. 2023 [13:00] - Fri, 1. Dec. 2023 [17:00]
K.01.L.0009.W Carbon sequestration and accounting
Prof. Tobias Cremer; Prof. Dr. Martin Guericke; Prof. Dr. Winfried Riek
Mon, 4. Dec. 2023 [09:30] - Fri, 15. Dec. 2023 [12:00]
K.01.L.0010.W Assessment tools and methods: Forest 4.0 / Parametrization and spatial assessment of biomass
Prof. Dr. Jan-Peter Mund
Mon, 20. Nov. 2023 [09:30] - Fri, 1. Dec. 2023 [15:30]
exercise course