Course catalogue

Overview >  Fachbereich Landschaftsnutzung und Naturschutz >  Master-Studiengänge >  Sustainable Regional Development: Education – Management – Nature Conservation (M.Sc.) >  Wahlpflichmodule / Spezialisierung

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
Start semester
M.02.C.0013.W Environmental Data Analysis
Prof. Dr. Jens Müller
SoSe 2024
K.02.C.0013.W Environmental Data Analysis
K.02.C.0013.W Environmental Data Analysis
Prof. Dr. Jens Müller
Mon, 18. Mar. 2024 [09:15] - Mon, 1. Jul. 2024 [17:00]
exercise course
M.02.C.0016.W The practice of nature conservation
Prof. Dr. Antje Stöckmann
SoSe 2024
K.02.C.0016.W Naturschutzmanagement in der Praxis
K.02.C.0016.W The practice of nature conservation
Prof. Dr. Antje Stöckmann
Th, 28. Mar. 2024 [08:30] - Fri, 5. Jul. 2024 [11:45]
exercise course
M.02.C.0015.W Learning to teach sustainability
Prof. Dr. Heike Molitor
SoSe 2024
K.02.C.0015.W Nachhaltigkeit lehren lernen
K.02.C.0015.W Learning to teach sustainability
Claudia Friede; Prof. Dr. Heike Molitor
Mon, 18. Mar. 2024 [08:30] - Th, 4. Jul. 2024 [17:00]
M.02.C.0030.W Agroforestry systems - copses in the agricultural landscape
Prof. Tobias Cremer
SoSe 2024
K.01.Z.0018.W Agroforstsysteme
K.01.Z.0018.W Agroforestry systems
Marco Bartsch; Prof. Dr. Ralf Bloch; Prof. Tobias Cremer; Leonie Jacobi; Carmel Maxime Violaine Schnautz
Th, 11. Apr. 2024 [12:45] - Fri, 17. May 2024 [16:00]
M.02.C.0018.W Tourism, cultural landscape and environmental education in rural areas
Prof. Dr. Heike Molitor
SoSe 2024
K.02.C.0018.W 1. Tourismus im ländlichen Raum
K.02.C.0018.W 1. Tourism in rural areas
Birte Luisa Kaddatz
Tue, 26. Mar. 2024 [13:45] - Th, 30. May 2024 [15:15]
K.02.C.0019.W 2a. Cultural landscape
K.02.C.0019.W 2a. Cultural landscape
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Peters
Tue, 9. Apr. 2024 [16:30] - Fri, 17. May 2024 [18:00]
K.02.C.0020.W 2b. Non-formal environmental education in leisure/ interpretation
K.02.C.0020.W 2b. Non-formal environmental education in leisure/ interpretation
Prof. Dr. Heike Molitor
Th, 11. Apr. 2024 [08:30] - Th, 4. Jul. 2024 [12:30]