
Übersicht >  Fachbereich Wald und Umwelt >  Master-Studiengänge >  Global Change Management (M.Sc.) >  Mandatories >  1. Semester

Veranstaltungen / Module
Veranstaltung / Modul
Dozenten / Modulverantwortliche
K.01.0378 Human wellbeing and development as result of ecological and social processes and services
Dr. Stefan Kreft; Siegmund Missall; Christoph Nowicki; Prof. Dr. Hermann Ott; Prof. Dr. Heike Walk; Prof. Dr. Martin Welp
Mo, 9. Okt. 2017 [09:30] - Fr, 27. Okt. 2017 [17:30]
K.01.0379 Fundamentals of systems functionality and change
Prof. Dr. Pierre Ibisch; Dr. Stefan Kreft; Siegmund Missall; Prof. Dr. Manfred Stock; Prof. Dr. Martin Welp
Mi, 1. Nov. 2017 [09:30] - Fr, 17. Nov. 2017 [17:30]
K.01.0380 Threats & risks to systems functionality and contributing factors
Dr. Peter Hobson; Prof. Dr. Pierre Ibisch; Dr. Stefan Kreft; Prof. Dr. Andreas Linde; Prof. Dr. Carsten Mann; Christoph Nowicki; Prof. Dr. Hermann Ott; Prof. Dr. Manfred Stock; Prof. Dr. Heike Walk; Prof. Dr. Martin Welp
Mo, 8. Jan. 2018 [09:30] - Fr, 26. Jan. 2018 [17:30]