Course catalogue

Overview >  Fachbereich Nachhaltige Wirtschaft >  Bachelor-Studiengänge >  Sustainable Economics and Management (B.A.) >  Vertiefungsmodule (Wahlpflicht)

Course offerings / Modules
Course offering / Module
Instructors / Module Owner
Time period
Event type
Start semester
M.04.N.2132.WP Sustainable Product Management
Prof. Dr. Gerd Ulf Peters
WiSe 2023/24
K.04.N.2144.WP Nachhaltiges Produktmanagement
K.04.N.2144.WP Sustainable Product Management
Prof. Dr. Gerd Ulf Peters
Th, 28. Sep. 2023 [12:30] - Th, 11. Jan. 2024 [15:45]
M.04.N.2131.WP Sustainable Customer Management
Prof. Dr. Gerd Ulf Peters
WiSe 2023/24
K.04.N.2143.WP Nachhaltiges Kundenmanagement
K.04.N.2143.WP Sustainable Customer Management
Prof. Dr. Gerd Ulf Peters
Th, 28. Sep. 2023 [08:30] - Th, 25. Jan. 2024 [15:45]
M.04.N.2135.WP Social Innovation und Social Design
Daniel Kruse
WiSe 2023/24
K.04.N.2147.WP Innovationsmanagement und digital-nachhaltige Transformation
K.04.N.2147.WP Innovation Management and digital-sustainable Tranformation
Daniel Kruse
Fri, 29. Sep. 2023 [12:30] - Fri, 17. Nov. 2023 [17:30]
K.04.N.2148.WP Social Design und Creative Industries
K.04.N.2148.WP Social Design und Creative Industries
Daniel Kruse
Fri, 12. Jan. 2024 [12:30] - Tue, 23. Jan. 2024 [17:00]
M.04.N.2134.WP Resources and  Environmental Management
Prof. Dr. Uwe Demele
WiSe 2023/24
K.04.N.2146.WP Ressourcenmanagament und Umweltmanagement
K.04.N.2146.WP Resources and  Environmental Management
Prof. Dr. Uwe Demele
Th, 12. Oct. 2023 [08:30] - Th, 25. Jan. 2024 [11:45]
M.04.N.2133.WP Awareness
Prof. Dr. Uwe Demele
WiSe 2023/24
K.04.N.2145.WP Awareness
K.04.N.2145.WP Awareness
Prof. Dr. Uwe Demele
Th, 12. Oct. 2023 [12:30] - Th, 25. Jan. 2024 [15:45]
M.04.N.2136.WP Sustainable Entrepreneurship
Prof. Dr. Britta Gossel
WiSe 2023/24
K.04.N.2149.WP KMU Start-UP Management und nachhaltige Finanzierung
K.04.N.2149.WP SME Start-UP Management and sustainable Financing
Prof. Dr. Britta Gossel
Fri, 29. Sep. 2023 [08:30] - Fri, 26. Jan. 2024 [11:45]
K.04.N.2150.WP Entrepreneurship and Business Plan
K.04.N.2150.WP Entrepreneurship and Business Plan
Prof. Dr. Britta Gossel
Fri, 29. Sep. 2023 [10:15] - Fri, 26. Jan. 2024 [15:45]
M.04.N.2137.WP Regional Economie and Public Activities
Prof. Dr. Alexander Conrad
WiSe 2023/24
K.04.N.2151.WP Grundlagen Regionalökonomie
K.04.N.2151.WP Regional Economie
Prof. Dr. Alexander Conrad
Tue, 10. Oct. 2023 [12:30] - Tue, 28. Nov. 2023 [17:30]
K.04.N.2152.WP Public Activities and  Public Services
K.04.N.2152.WP Public Activities and  Public Services
Steffi Schneemilch
Mon, 4. Dec. 2023 [08:30] - Wed, 6. Dec. 2023 [17:30]
M.04.N.2138.WP Transformation through Innovation in the Region
Prof. Dr. Alexander Conrad
WiSe 2023/24
K.04.N.2153.WP Wandel durch Innovation in der Region
K.04.N.2153.WP Transformation through Innovation in the Region
Prof. Dr. Alexander Conrad; Steffi Schneemilch
Mon, 2. Oct. 2023 [12:30] - Mon, 22. Jan. 2024 [15:45]
M.04.N.2140.WP Value-based Management
Prof. Dr. Jörn Mallok
WiSe 2023/24
K.04.N.2159.WP Wertschöpfungsorientierte Unternehmensführung
K.04.N.2159.WP Value-based Management
Prof. Dr. Jörn Mallok
Mon, 25. Sep. 2023 [08:30] - Wed, 8. Nov. 2023 [10:00]
M.04.N.2139.WP Sustainable Business and Solutions
Prof. Dr. Jörn Mallok
WiSe 2023/24
K.04.N.2154.WP Sustainable Business and Solutions
K.04.N.2154.WP Sustainable Business and Solutions
Prof. Dr. Jörn Mallok
Mon, 25. Sep. 2023 [12:30] - Tue, 19. Dec. 2023 [15:45]